When government meets modern times this occurs; Images of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Recent Recalled Products on Flickr! As a visual person the photos of recalled products, bar-codes and lot numbers works terrific for me. I receive updates via email, which I highly recommend to everyone since they are very detailed and arrive directly to your inbox and no time is wasted in sharing information. When you visit the Flickr site and click on the image a short message describing the recalled item is displayed, including a link the FDA press release regarding that item.
The Flickr site appears to be up-to-date, but I still suggest signing up for the FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts emails. In addition to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Recall email updates. The benefit of receiving this data is to stay aware of ALL recalls. For me, receiving these alerts is what inspires me to continue label reading and calling manufacturers since I see so many allergen recalls each month and every now and then I pull a product down from my pantry.
Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) also offers Allergy and Ingredient Recall alerts that you can sign up for!
Here’s to hoping we less recalls this year!