This was so interesting I just had to share! The Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA) recently released …
Got Lung Action?
Can you type a note? Dial your phone? Convey a short message? Perfect, then you can make a difference regarding lung …
Update your 504 plan mid-year?
We do! Actually, our plan was established for my daughter mid-year and I love it! I like to check in mid-year anyway …
Warriors of Reduction!
Yes, we are! In my family, we don't like taking medications that are not necessary that can be reduced by avoiding …
Know thy medications
Dear food allergic, anaphylactic and/or asthmatic tribe, open up your medicine cabinet, purse, back pack or where ever …
Dodge Holiday Asthma Triggers
On Saturday, I attended our local Asthma Day Camp with my daughter, sponsored by the American Lung Association, and was …
When was the last time you saw a policital ad that ended with a drag on a cigarette?? Check out Herman Cain's "smoking video"
The answer is right now.... [youtube] As reported in the National …
School savvy with food allergies and asthma: Part III…Does it feel right?
Today I am visiting my son's school to meet the new counselor who is in charge of 504 plans. So far, I've done all my …
School savvy with food allergies and asthma: Part III…Does it feel right?Read More