Each week I plan on sharing some of what I feel were golden nuggets of information shared at the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT) Leadership and Teen Conferences recently held. Other than realizing I’m so much older than I behave and feeling exhausted, those days were time well spent. I encourage everyone who might be interested in that type of exchange and learning to keep yours the FAACT calendar regarding next year’s event.
To my absolute delight, I met face-to-face, the incredible Stephanie Lowe, founder of Turn It Teal. If you don’t know her, I highly suggest you check her out. I’m an avid Twitter follower of Stephanie. I just remember two years ago, saying, “who is Turn It Teal?” During Food Allergy Awareness Week, I saw photos of major national landmarks lighting up in the color Teal to help raise awareness and spark a food allergy conversation or two. Over the last two years, this advocate worked tirelessly to convince property owners and managers of the importance of raising awareness by lighting their building or monument Teal for an evening or two.
Turn It Teal’s first year started with two buildings, last year I counted 23 buildings or monuments lit up! Stephanie is hoping to light up even more this year.
Here’s how you can help her: reach out to Turn It Teal via her Suggest a Site to Light Contact Form. Then, Stephanie will her her magic! The more information you can share, including a personal introduction, the better!
I started following Turn It Teal on Twitter as she tweeted out food allergy information that interested me. I thought she was a pretty smart lady at that point. Until I met her. Well, then that all changed.
I realized she was incredibly smart with a never-give-up attitude. She soaked up information, while sharing actionable thoughts and opinions. I also learned she was a seriously fun shopper who not only encourages but joined in and helped me “justify” the need for super expensive chocolate containing my kid’s allergens. It was chocolate bliss. She was also very sympathetic of my shopping crisis when I broke my bottle of under eye concealer as I begged Chef Keith to “borrow the car keys” and then drug her along to help me figure out how to adjust the car seat to short and find the closet beauty counter. I can handle other make up items breaking all of the floor, but this one.
I look forward to the 2017 Food Allergy Awareness Week to see what buildings are joining this merry list Teal Landmarks and buildings! Meeting Stephanie was a great reminder of all the good that takes places in our world. I hope her concept continues to expand and flourish.
Disclaimer: I was not asked by FAACT or Turn It Teal to mention, write about or even like them. My hope is to simply share ideas that you might find absolutely fabulous or not. I could not help but adore my time at the FAACT conference plus Stephanie Lowe and her good work.
I also believe therefore, perfectly indited post!