Bravo Sanofi® (makers of Auvi-Q®) for your recent large, kind and much needed donation of 90,000 Auvi-Q® epinephrine Auto-injectors to non-profit health centers, clinics and camps nationwide. Now that is what I call walking the allergy and anaphylaxis heath walk. Access to health care/medication is one of my personal hot buttons and passions. I have issues that we live in a developed country, yet we have children and adults without proper medication or care right here on our soil. Really? Needless to say, your donation to save lives of those experiencing a life threatening allergic reaction hits the soft part in my heart. Today, I raise up my glass of soy milk to you–friend to those with anaphylaxis and life threatening allergies!
The actual donation is being made to the organization, Direct Relief, who will in turn make the Auvi-Q® donation available to their network of over 1,100 non-profit clinics and health centers focusing on school based health centers and camps. Direct Relief looks like my kind of non-profit- they get right into the heart of the issue and dive into the trenches! They provide emergency aid in disaster areas too–such as the recent tornados in the US. As someone who has participated as a volunteer at Asthma Camp, I can testify that many attendees did not have inhalers, maintenance medications or spacers. So, I can only image the kids at camps addressing life threatening allergies not having epinephrine auto-injectors either! So many families go without life saving epinephrine auto-injectors due to the high costs. My insurance has a high deductible, so I pay full retail price, I spend well over $1,000 annually. Thankfully, I can skip vacation and buy my kid’s medication. Not everyone can do that and it breaks my heart when I see kids in my own community risking their lives daily due to lack of emergency life saving epinephrine auto-injectors.
Bravo Sanofi® for making the Auvi-Q® accessible to those who most likely do not carry any sort of epinephrine auto-injector. This is fighting the right fight and it feels GOOD to watch.
I’m with you, I think they are just completely, astoundingly awesome for making sure so many more are protected and prepared! Thanks Sanofi!!!
I really relish the thought that someone who is walking around at high risk for anaphylaxis will have a nice saving device in their pocket now!