Thank you Erin Hess for the photo from the Oriental Trading Catalog
Carpe Diem Teal Pumpkin Project! Now is the time for us to seize the moment. Prior to August, it felt like not many knew food allergies were life threatening. The silver lining to the whirl around Mylan’s price gouging is that people are talking about food allergies left and right. Now that we have their attention, let’s talk Halloween. Halloween used to be one of the most dreaded days of the year for children with life-threatening food allergies and now it has turned into a day we are all embracing along with the general public. There are so many retails shops now carrying items highlighting the Teal Pumpkin Project with teal colored pumpkins and non-food items/suggestions. Pictures are popping up all over facebook of happy shoppers discovering lists and taking photos. The FARE Teal Pumpkin Project Website link is packed full of free downloads, treat ideas, social media badges, items to purchase, awareness information and signage.
Teal Pumpkin Spottings
(note, some retailers have not partnered with FARE as an official supporter, but nevertheless have items of interest)
- CVS Pharmacy stores: Teal Pumpkins and non-food items
- Michael’s: Teal Pumpkins and craft advise
- Teal is the New Orange Tee or Sweat Shirt Fundraiser: from FARE the sale closes during the first week of October
- Oriental Trading: Teal Pumpkins and Trunk-or-Treat decorating ideas, non-food toys and items
- Fun World: Teal Pumpkin kit – teal paint, sponges, non-food treats
- Allergy Apparel: Teal Ribbon bracelet Tattoos (on sale right now)
- Switch Witch: book, doll and the magic she brings (the kit shown does not display the FARE logo, but they really do have a partnership)
- Pottery Barn: Teal Pumpkin that is quite the elegant home decor item
- Allergy Mom Depot on Etsy: cute Teal Pumpkin with Initial
- Teal Pumpkin posters, Essential Kits and garden flags: shop the FARE website
- Left Brain Creations: Teal Halloween Treat Bags for “non-food” treats
Media from 2015
Signs, flyers (some available in Spanish and French), yard signs, Teal Pumpkin info to include in treat bags and more..
- Downloads and Resources from FARE
You might recall that this entire movement was started by Tennessee Mom, Becky Gibson Basalone and the Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee and then launched as a national campaign by Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) in 2014. There has been no turning back since. I am grateful for Becky’s passion that created a movement that is changing America. For me, teal pumpkin goes beyond food allergies and represents a beautiful addition to a great holiday. People do not need to participate, but if they do, they are saying, “hey, we want to include all children with food allergies or other reasons eating candy may not work too well in their lives”.
If you find other teal pumpkin resources, please mention below and I’ll include these on this list. If you have pictures you want to share too, please email me those ( and I’ll include them too
Disclaimer: I’m a HUGE fan of many of the organizations and businesses list here. I was not approached by or paid to mention any of them. My hope is to help my fellow food allergy families find the tools to make this Halloween a blast. Please share any other resources you might know of and I’ll add them to our list.
Thank you so much for Including Allergy Mom Depot in this great round up.
Allison Purvis, Founder/CEO Allergy Mom Depot
You are very welcome!