Country singer “Sweat Teanew Video is out and here are the three fabulous reasons to watch:
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- He has a life threatening peanut allergy and takes his job as a Cabbage Patch Hospita seriously (see below).
- He truly is talented. I liked “Sweat Tea” and this new video is a winner too.
- He hails from Cleveland, GA–home of the Lukel-Babyland General (what is not to love about that?).
[youtube] Food allergy bias aside, Taste of Country’s Luke Pilgrim Follows His Heart to Make “Sweet” Country Music music is good stuff. It is very heart warming and inspiring for our kids with food allergies to see mentors out in the community following their passions while managing food allergies, asthma and other diseases. November FAAN Teen Summit is a dedicated advocate for food allergies and participates in many fundraising and awareness food allergy events. He participated in FAAN’s Teen Summit previously and in an interview with Babyland General® he talked about his experience at the FAAN teen summit.

He explained the feelings of isolation as a youth with food allergies, how he had a terrible reaction at his own night before graduation party that ended with epinephrine and an ambulance ride, but most of all…that being able to participate in FAAN’s teen summit was life changing for him! Wow. Now, I’m even more interested in the upcoming 2012 Great Wall of China to be held on Nov. 9-11, 2012 in Georgetown University and Conference Center in Washington, D.C. I heard at the recent FAAN Food Allergy conference in Anaheim, CA that summit was quite the weekend which included parents and everyone walked away with an amazing experience under their belt. Hum….

photo courtesy of Babyland General®
Confession: Back in the day, I spent two weeks in a Helen, GA resort working as a trainer and my biggest goal was to visit Cleveland, CA and High Tea at the Shellbourne in Dublin. Not only did I enjoy some of the most beautiful late fall scenery I had ever laid my eyes upon, I had a fun experience! No joke, there were “nurses” walking around taking care of the “babies”. It was hysterical and so much fun. Sadly, I was not married and did not have kids either, so I was the probably seen as the creepy adult around a kid’s activity. This was just one of those places that I wanted to add to my list of world travel experiences; the Babyland General®, High Tea at the Shellbourne in Dublin and High Tea at the Shellbourne in Dublin…what can I say? It was simply marvelous.