Welcome to the Gratefulfoodie
official website.
Let’s talk real life resources, learning, and finding solutions regarding life threatening food allergies, anaphylaxis and asthma.
Current Posts

How’ve you been?
It has been a while since my blog has been sleeping. The Covid-19 Pandemic brought me incredible opportunities to expand my work experience within the food allergy world. But, my…

Food Allergy Elegance: Chocolate Clusters
This week a little teacher appreciation love was spread at my daughter’s school. The teachers were treated to fun snacks during their weekly development sessions and I signed up for…

College students: this is a must-do to stay safe
Cyrus showing his fellow student where he carries his EpiPens at college Yup. That is a vague title since what we are talking about is perceived as vague. But it…

Food Allergy Life: It's complicated, I'll bring my own food
Inclusive eating can take many forms! I stole this line from my friend’s waste-reducing party invitation tool called Siitch. Well, it’s not a line actually, it is an option a…
Food Allergy Life: It's complicated, I'll bring my own foodRead More
3 Important Last Minute Trick or Treat Tips
Tomorrow is the big day! For me, Halloween is my most favorite Holiday! I love the fall leaves, the adorable kids in fun costumes and the excitement in the air.…

Food Allergy School Education: A Fresh Approach
Amazing things happen when you lecture less and challenge young minds more. I always said, “the kids get it more than the parents do”. But I never listened to my…

Food Allergy School Education: A Fresh Approach
Amazing things happen when you lecture less and challenge young minds more. I always…
One Size Never Fits All With Food Allergies
Settling into a quiet table with a view, no kids, responsibilities or deadlines, just…
No Appetite for Bullying: Food Allergy Unity
Unusual news today: Kaleo, the makers of the Auvi-Q epinephrine auto-injector launched a new…
The Anatomy of Allergic Living Magazine
Let’s dive straight into what makes my food allergic heart flutter and waste no…
Food Allergy Request: Tell Your Server
It’s Friday night, you had a great day and it is time to relax…
Life without my Computer: Nightmare or Blessing?
I went almost one month without my computer. Needless to say, I thought my…

Food Allergy and American Airlines: Things Are About to Get Real
Change starts right here. Right now. Our adrenaline rushed when my friend and attorney…
Food Allergy and American Airlines: Things Are About to Get RealRead More
The Podcast that's Like Talking to Your Best Friend
Have you ever met someone and think, darn it why isn’t she or he…
The Podcast that's Like Talking to Your Best FriendRead More
Food Allergies/Celiac: Feed Our Food Insecure Today!
Giving Tuesday is tomorrow, but there is a big need taking place today. Knowing…
Food Allergies/Celiac: Feed Our Food Insecure Today!Read More

Previous Posts

Food Allergy Elegance: Chocolate Clusters
This week a little teacher appreciation love was spread at my daughter’s school. The…

Summer Fresh: Key Lime and Coconut Rice Crispy Style Treat
Take a bite. Close your eyes and then ask yourself, where do these taste…
Summer Fresh: Key Lime and Coconut Rice Crispy Style TreatRead More

Refreshing Strawberry Guava and Ginger Ale Beverage
Cool down this hot summer with a quick and easy beat-the-heat group pleasing drink!…
Refreshing Strawberry Guava and Ginger Ale BeverageRead More
The Anatomy of Allergic Living Magazine
Let’s dive straight into what makes my food allergic heart flutter and waste no…

Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes
Publishing your recipe shouldn’t take more effort than creating your delectable masterpiece. Cookbook plugin…

A Better Banana Split
Publishing your recipe shouldn’t take more effort than creating your delectable masterpiece. Cookbook plugin…
Orange Banana Cherry Muffins Wake Up the Morning
I”ll take my OJ in my muffin please! I had exactly three bananas, one…

Traditional Eggs Benedict
Publishing your recipe shouldn’t take more effort than creating your delectable masterpiece. Cookbook plugin…

DIY Playa Bowl
Publishing your recipe shouldn’t take more effort than creating your delectable masterpiece. Cookbook plugin makes sharing…
Asthma News
Asthma: When You Learn More Than You Expected
Gather data via high tech is the new powerhouse tool for managing and controlling…
Passing the Parenting Baton: Taking Asthma Hi-Tech
Hi-tech sensors combined with an app help my kids track their inhaler usage, symptoms…
Food Allergy: 7 End-of-School Year Musts
It’s that special time of year when an uncomfortable kind of school food allergy…
Food Allergy and Asthma: Back-to-School Checklist
Back-to-School can be chaotic, exciting and a wonderful time. One sure fire tip for…
Cool Contraptions in My Allergist's Tool Box
How do I not adore my allergist when their practice takes managing environmental allergies…
Asthma Super Sleuthing: Uncovering What Makes You Feel Bad
With asthma, everything is great until it is not. I am guilty of slacking…
Asthma Super Sleuthing: Uncovering What Makes You Feel BadRead More
Food Allergies & Asthma: Choosing the Right College
Parents, I promise, you will make it to the other side of this entire…
Food Allergies & Asthma: Choosing the Right CollegeRead More
2017 List of EpiPen Auvi-Q and Generic Device Carriers, Holders and More
What a great life we live! We have so many choices, in addition to…
2017 List of EpiPen Auvi-Q and Generic Device Carriers, Holders and MoreRead More
He IS of this place – success with food allergies at college
Parent’s weekend truly is all about helping us parents feel good. No, to feel…
He IS of this place – success with food allergies at collegeRead More

Food Allergy Industry and Food Service & Hospitality Consulting
I work with various companies to help them better understand the food allergy and special diet consumer. My passion and concerns lay between that gap between product and the food allergy patron. Be it a food manufacturer, a brand, drug company or food service, there are missed financial opportunities and unnecessary risks being taken daily. My goal is to bring this gap through consultations and using tools already available.

Please Note: As always, consult with your physician before you make changes to the management of any health condition. Gratefulfoodie does not endorse any of the businesses or organizations listed and has not received payment to list these resources. My goal is to help you find tools that might make life easier.